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This wing is headed by a Chief Engineer with four Superintending Engineers at Circle level (Chengalpattu, Salem, Trichy and Tirunelveli) and fourteen Divisional Engineers at District level.

The major activities of this wing and schemes being mplemented by this wing are detailed below:


o Upgradation of Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat roads to Other District Roads standard.

o Construction of River Bridges.

o Construction of Road over Bridges/ Road under Bridges.

o Forming of By-passes for major towns.


Construction of River Bridges in Government and Panchayat Union Roads under NABARD loan assistance

During 2022-23, out of 202spillover Bridge works at a cost of Rs.888.78 Crore,28 works were completed and the balance 174 works are in various stages under this scheme.

For the Financial year 2022-23, an allotment of Rs.516.11 Crore has been made in the Budget Estimate.

Construction of River Bridges on Government and Panchayat Union Roads under State Fund

During 2022-23, 3spillover bridge works at a cost of Rs.21.28 Crore has been taken up under this scheme. Now all the 3 works are in progress at various stages.

For the Financial year 2022-23, an allotment of Rs.16.50 Crore has been made in the Budget Estimate.

Upgradation of Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads under State Fund

During 2022-23, out of 138spillover road works to a length of 345.20 km at a cost of Rs.535.59 Crore, 56road works to a length of 123.14 km has been completed. The balance 82 works to a length 222.06 km are in various stages under this scheme.

For the Financial year 2022-23, an allotment of Rs.1032.00 Crore has been made in the Budget Estimate.

Construction of Road Over Bridges / Road Under Bridges under Railway Works Programme

Under the Railway Works Programme during 2022-23, out of 10spillover Road Over Bridge / Road Under Bridge works at a cost of Rs.107.53 Crore,4 works are in progress (L.C.2, L.C.9, L.C.16, L.C.132) 1 work (L.C.5) is pending due to LA, 2 works (L.C.4, L.C.6) are pending due to LA related court cases, LC-131 due to public protest regarding higher compensation of LA, LC-366 RAS obtained and tender stage and 1 work (L.C.10 - LUS) is completely under execution by Railways.


For the year 2022-23, Land Acquisition for 11 Bypasses has been taken up at a cost of Rs.115.19 Crore. Of which, 1 Bye-Pass namely, Tiruvannamalai Bye-Pass has been handed over to NH wing of Highways Department to take over under Annual plan 2022-23 of NH, since the starting and ending point of bye-pass merges with NH. Land Acquisition for the balance 10 Bypasses are in progress and are in advanced stages.

Moreover, 3 Bypasses namely, Bhavani, Ambasamudram and Mudhukulathur Bye-Pass were taken up for executing the work, at a cost of Rs.172.39 Crore and put to tender.

Further preparation of DPR is in progress for the work of formation of Bypass to Koothanallur Town.

For the Financial year 2022-23, Rs.112.29 Crore has been allotted as Budget Estimate.


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Last Updated: 15-02-2025
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