Board of Engineers is the Highest Technical Authority established in Highways Department comprising all the Chief Engineers of the Department, the Director, Highways Research Station and is headed by the Director General for policy decision on technical matters vide G.O. Ms. No. 359 Highways (HN1) Dept. Dated 12.08.1997 and G.O. Ms. No. 1 Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Dept. Dated 07.01.2011.
Director General, Highways Department.
1. Chief Engineer (H), Construction and Maintenance.
2. Chief Engineer (H) National Highways.
3. Chief Engineer (H) Projects.
4. Chief Engineer (H) NABARD & Rural Roads.
5. Chief Engineer (H) Planning, Designs and Investigation.
6. Director (H), Highways Research Station.
7. Chief Engineer (H), Metro.
8. Chief Engineer (H), TNRSP II.
9. Chief Engineer (H), CKICP.
BOE also suggests new engineering techniques to be followed during execution of works. Further, BOE recommends administrative reforms if any required to the Government.
Technical Audit Committee was established with the members of the Board of Engineers I.e. Director General (H), Director, Highways Research Station and all the Chief Engineer of Highways Department vide the CE (H) General, Circular Memo No. 13555/Contracts-1/2009 dated 02.05.2009 for offering its expertise opinion on the various Technical aspects made in the Estimates before according Technical Sanction by the respective Chief Engineer. The Bridge works with Linear Waterway more than 150 m only shall be placed before the Technical Audit Committee for the expertise opinion before according Technical sanction. Any complicated major project (Bypasses, Grade Separators, Road over Bridges, Road Under Bridges, etc.) that requires an expert opinion, as felt by the respective Chief Engineer(H), shall also be placed before Technical Audit Committee prior to the stage of alignment. If the alignment had been approved by the Alignment Committee, then the technical aspects alone (excepting the alignment) shall be placed before the Committee. If the concerned HOD feels, the work is of complex nature, requiring technical expertise and suggestions from the members, such works shall be referred to the Technical Audit Committee.
1. The Revised Administrative Sanction Committee constituted vide G.O. Ms.No.289 Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Department dated 04.12.2008 and G.O. Ms. No. 1 Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Dept. Dated 07.01.2011 comprises representatives of Government in Finance and Highways Department for processing and early approval of RAS (work proposals)
1. Director General, Highways Department.
2. Chief Engineer – Concerned.
3. Chief Engineer (H), Planning, Designs and Investigation.
4. Deputy Secretary to Government, Highways and Minor Ports Department.
5. Deputy Secretary to Government, Finance Department.
2. The Revised Administrative Sanction Committee for Land Acquisition. constituted vide G.O. Ms. No163 Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Department dated 13.12.2023 comprises representatives of Government in Finance and Highways Department for processing and early approval of RAS (Land Acquisition proposals)
Commissioner of Land Acquisition
1.Finance Secretary or his nominee
2. Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Highways and Minor Ports Department.
3. Chief Engineer(H) – Concerned.
4.Representative of Legal Affairs Secretary.
Commissionerate of Tenders (COT) was established vide G.O. Ms. No.21/ Highways (HN2) Department dated 25.01.1999 to streamline the tender acceptance procedure. The same has been reconstituted vide G.O. (Ms.) No. 16/ Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Department dated 11.02.2013 and G.O. Ms. No. 1 Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Dept. Dated 07.01.2011.
The following are the members of the Commissionerate of Tenders
1. The Secretary to Government, Finance or his/her representative.
2. Commissioner & Member, COT - Director General, Highways.
3. Member - The Chief Engineer (H), Construction and Maintenance.
4. Member - The Chief Engineer (H), NABARD and Rural Roads.
5. Member - The Chief Engineers / The Superintending Engineers, who initially recommend the proposals will also be special invitees.
As per the. (Ms) No. 163/ Highways and Minor Ports (HN1) Department dated 01.10.2012 & G.O. (Ms) No. 29 / Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 03.03.2022, the COT will scrutinize and approve the tenders where
1. Contract value up to Rs.50 Lakhs with tender excess above 10%
2. Contract value up to Rs.1.00 Crore with tender excess above 6%
3. Contract value between Rs.1.00 Crore to Rs.6.00 Crore for individual works for all cases with any tender excess.
4. Contract value between Rs.1.00 Crore to Rs.7.50 Crore for packages for all cases with any tender excess.
5. Contract value above Rs.6.00 Crores for individual works for all cases irrespective of tender excess.
To prepare a standard Schedule of Rates for Highways Department in tune with the actual requirements, a committee comprising of the following member has been constituted by Government vide G.O. (Ms) No 21/Highways (HN1) Department, dated 25.01.1999 and G.O. (Ms) No.1/Highways and Minor Ports (HN-1) Department dated 07.01.2011.
1. Member - Director General.
2. Member - Chief Engineer (H), Construction & Maintenance.
3. Member - Chief Engineer (H), Planning, Designs & Investigation.
4. Member - A representative of Finance Department.
The committees mentioned above are for the Department’s internal purpose in scrutinizing and analysing technical matters relating to execution of projects.
The High Level Committee constituted vide G.O. (Ms). No.17 Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 06.03.2023, G.O. (Ms) No. 87 Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Dept. Dated 21.07.2023, G.O.(Rt) No.60, Highways and Minor Ports (HF1) Department dated 20.03.2023 and G.O.(Rt) No.209 Highways and Minor Ports (HF1) Dept. Dated 25.08.2023 comprises representatives of Government in Finance, Law and Highways Department for ensuring amicable settlement and speedy disposal of pending / new contractual disputes resolution and Arbitration related matters.
Director General, Highways Department.
The Chief Engineer (H) to whom the dispute pertains to shall act as convener.
1. Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Finance Department.
2. Project Director, TNRSP-II, Highways Department.
3. The Director, Highways Research Station.
4. Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Law Department.
1. Chairman and Managing Director- Principal Secretary to Government, Highways and Minor Ports Department.
2. Director - Deputy Secretary to Government, Finance Department.
3. Director – Special Secretary to Government, Industries Department.
4. Director - Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.
5. Director – Deputy Secretary to Government, Energy Department.
6. Director General, Highways Department.
7. Director - Chief Engineer (H), NABARD & Rural Roads.
8. Executive Director - TNRIDC.
Members of Audit Committee
1. Deputy Secretary to Government, Finance Department.
2. Director General, Highways Department
3. Chief Engineer (H), NABARD & Rural Roads, Highways Department.
4. Executive Director, TNRIDC.
Members of Technical Sanction Committee
1. Director General, Highways Department.
2. Chief Engineer (H), Planning, Designs & Investigations.
3. Director, Highways Research Station, Guindy.
4. Executive Director – TNRIDC.